Passport Office Guwahati, Regional Passport Office Guwahati
Regional Passport Office Guwahati is working from June 1979. Regional Passport Office Guwahati provides services to six North Eastern States.
Regional Passport Office Guwahati JURISDICTION
The six North Eastern States of India like Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland are under the jurisdiction of Regional Passport Office Guwahati.
Address of Regional Passport Office Guwahati
Regional Passport Office Guwahati,
Basistha Road,
Rani Bagan,
3rd Bye Lane,
Guwahati 781 028.
Shri T.Armstrong Changsan
Regional Passport Officer
Rani Bagan
Basistha Road
3rd Byelane
Guwahati - 781028